- Victor Luque de Haro; Joana Maria Pujadas-Mora; Juan García-Gómez. (2020) “Inequality in mortality in pre-industrial southern europe during an epidemic episode: socio-economic determinants (eighteenth-nineteenth centuries Spain)“. Economics & Human Biology, 100941 Vol. 40, 1-17. (1570-677X).
Abstract: The objective of this study is to gain more comprehensive knowledge about social inequality in mortality in pre-industrial periods. With this aim, we have reconstructed the life courses of the inhabitants of the town of Vera in south-east Spain for the period 1797–1812 in order to estimate the influence of socio-economic status on ordinary and extraordinary mortality, given that, during this period, the town suffered from several epidemic outbreaks of yellow fever. As a result of these outbreaks, around a quarter of the town’s population died. The results obtained indicate social inequality in mortality at least from the end of the eighteenth century. Although the differences are higher in mortality caused by non-infectious diseases or ill-defined causes, the coefficients also show a certain social gradient in mortality derived from infectious diseases. However, with respect to this latter type of mortality, the place of residence – seems to have a greater influence on the chances of survival than socio-economic status
Descargar PDF: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ehb.2020.100941
- Alicia Fornés; Josep Lladós; Joana Maria Pujadas-Mora (2020) “Chapter 11: Browsing of the Social Network of the Past: Information Extraction from Population Manuscript Images.” Handwritten Historical Document Analysis, Recognition, and Retrieval — State of the Art and Future Trends, World Scientific, Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence, pp. 195-220.
Abstract: This chapter describes a complete system for the extraction of information of historical population documents. This system has been constructed as a result of several multidisciplinary projects bringing together researchers in computer vision, pattern recognition and historical demography. The chapter describes different contributions ranging from low level processing for document image enhancement, to the semantic recognition of named entities and their linkage. The proposed system gives a key role to the user, in the transcription and validation processes. User engagement experiences of crowdsourcing and gamesourcing are described. The resulting knowledge base is organized in a social network model, so the browsing of the data can be provided accordingly.
Descargar PDF: https://doi.org/10.1142/9789811203244_0011
- Bhaskar Gautam, Oriol Ramos Terrades, Joana Maria Pujadas-Mora, Miquel Valls (2020). «Knowledge graph based methods for record linkage». Pattern Recognition Letters, 136: 127-133.
Abstract: Nowadays, it is common in Historical Demography the use of individual-level data as a consequence of a predominant life-course approach for the understanding of the demographic behaviour, family transi- tion, mobility, etc. Advanced record linkage is key since it allows increasing the data complexity and its volume to be analyzed. However, current methods are constrained to link data from the same kind of sources. Knowledge graph are flexible semantic representations, which allow to encode data variability and semantic relations in a structured manner. In this paper we propose the use of knowledge graph methods to tackle record linkage tasks. The pro- posed method, named WERL , takes advantage of the main knowledge graph properties and learns em- bedding vectors to encode census information. These embeddings are properly weighted to maximize the record linkage performance. We have evaluated this method on benchmark data sets and we have compared it to related methods with stimulating and satisfactory results.
Descargar PDF: Knowledge graph based methods for record linkage.
- Joana Maria Pujadas-Mora; Gabriel Brea-Martínez. (2020). «Cinco siglos de desigualdad y transformación socioeconómica en el área de Barcelona, 1451-1880». Perspectives Demográfiques, 18: 1-4.
Resumen: La distribución desigual de la riqueza es un tema que preocupa crecientemente a las sociedades contemporáneas pero que tiene fuertes raíces en el pasado. Diversos autores han trazado los orígenes de esta desigualdad reconstruyendo series históricas, recopilando y armonizando datos de fuentes y registros con una cobertura territorial y temporal desigual (Milanovic et al. (2011), Alfani (2015) Piketty (2014 y 2020)). Pocos lugares en el mundo disponen de series estadísticas que permitan reconstruir los patrones de desigualdad socioeconómica en base a una única fuente documental. Barcelona y su hinterland son uno de estos lugares. La Barcelona Historical Marriage Database, creada en el marco del proyecto Advanced Grant Five Centuries of Marriages dirigido por la Prof. Anna Cabré, ha posibilitado analizar para un periodo de cinco siglos la distribución de la riqueza a partir de las tasas impuestas a los matrimonios celebrados en su Diócesis desde 1451 a 1880. En este número de Perspectives Demogràfiques examinamos la evolución de la desigualdad desde el Antiguo Régimen hasta la consolidación de la industrialización, la concentración de la riqueza y la composición y sustitución de las élites económicas del área de Barcelona.